Analog integrated circuits for telecommunications and power electronics applications ; power management integrated circuits and systems 供电信及功率电子应用的模拟集成电路;功率集成电路及系统
The design of analog integrated circuit derives itself from the development of vlsi technique and the urgedt requirement of electronic system integration 模拟集成电路设计是随着vlsi技术的进步以及电子系统集成化的迫切需求应运而生。
Current conveyor , as a circuit component which has lots of characters and works as operational amplifier , has been widely used in analog integrated circuit 随着模拟集成电路的高速发展,电流传送器作为具有多种特性且与运算放大器相似的一种基本电路器件,广泛的运用于电流模式的模拟集成电路。